As a Sr Professional I help organizations improve their performance and supply chain on a daily basis. On this page you will therefore find articles that go deeper into supply chain and performance management issues that I regularly deal with.
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Would you like to know what results I can achieve for your organization? Read my successful projects.
Supply chain transparency is obsolete
Election of the logistics specialist of the year.
Flexibility at all levels
The trade war America cannot win.
Digitization is becoming more important with increasing uncertainty.
Supply Chains. From Insight to Foresight
Self-employed people crucial for innovation.
From spreadsheets to AI
Generation Z will be the biggest challenge in your supply chain
Stock management and responsibility
The 6 most important warehouse developments.
Critical factors for logistics performance management.
Provide good ID labels.
Reshoring continues in the United States.
Quick Response Management
Are you looking for temporary support or are you on the eve of a major change? Please feel free to contact us.