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Artificial Intelligence in logistics

Artificial Intelligence is the buzzword of recent years. Yet it is only slowly penetrating within logistics. However, Artificial Intelligence offers many advantages to optimize your supply chain.<!–more–>
The importance of the right price and reliable on-time delivery remain the most important factors for logistics. But the disruptions of recent years in the [Global] supply chain has put severe pressure on this. Price increases due to inflation and disruptions in the physical supply chain, has led to higher costs for many organizations. In addition to the fact that manufacturing companies faced out of stock situations on essential components. Artificial Intelligence is not the goose with the golden eggs, but it can make a significant contribution to optimizing your supply chain and recognizing any problems in a timely manner.

Many companies have been busy with automation and mechanization for years, but often lack a piece of “intelligence” in their systems. A truck against the wrong dock, can already cause the necessary delay in the processing process. And often requires manual intervention.
<h3>Some examples.</h3>
AI can assist an organization in guiding truck traffic on its premises. Certainly organizations, retailers, that handle a large number of trucks per day can streamline their docking process with AI. Upon arrival and departure, AI can support the automatic scanning of license plates. Subsequently, AI can ensure that the truck is directed to the correct dock. Pre-assigned or not. License plate scanning can also prevent unauthorized vehicles from entering the premises. This contributes to safety and orderliness on the site.
AI can also apply facial recognition. Subject to privacy laws, this offers good opportunities to secure access to your company. This applies both to staff and possibly visitors who are then given limited access.

A completely different application is to use AI for early detection of possible fire situations by monitoring the temperature in different sections of your building. At large deviations [high or low], AI can already signal towards FAFS.
Within a logistics operation, AI can be used to track your packages within your organization. But also with Machine Learning, check the contents of the package. Just before the package is closed, AI can then determine whether the correct goods have been packed. Any scanning errors are thus overcome. AI also helps track your package outside your organization. Connected to your own distribution system or that of a third party, AI can monitor whether the package will be delivered on time at the desired time. [Prediction analysis] With this, AI can also help monitor your inventory.

Also at the global level, AI can support planning production and delivery based on information about incoming components. Especially if your organization has a complex purchasing situation due to the many components. AI can identify bottlenecks much faster and better and advise on a possible adjusted ordering strategy. With this information, production can also anticipate possible changes in a correct and timely manner.

AI certainly becomes powerful when combined with the use of robotic systems. AI can not only determine optimal distribution among stations, but also register delays or any downtime at a station and act accordingly. When stations are overloaded, AI can automatically intervene and provide rerouting. This may be done to stations that are underloaded. This also takes into account the time of loading of packages. Planners are then well supported by the system when making distribution decisions.

Artificial Intelligence certainly has a lot of future and potential within logistics. Combined with other systems / software also from third parties, AI can realize faster visibility within your supply chain. Decisions in the organization will then be driven even more by data and less by emotion and gut feeling.


<a href=””><strong>Casussen AI </strong></a>

<strong><a href=””>Robotisering</a></strong>