crisis, economy

G8 countries introduce Open Data Center

In addition to the necessary disagreements and concerns about…

work efficiently and effectively

In politics, it is always easy to protect with efficient and…
transparancy, fusion

The deception of mergers

Minister Plasterk still remains fully committed to the merger…
goals, strategy

10 tips to achieve your goals.

Is there a magical concept that ensures that your goals, priorities,…

Seven guidelines for change management.

Why does the interim manager manage to implement the change in…

Globalization is coming to an end.

Since the outbreak of the crisis in 2008, world trade has continued…

Will globalization or nationalism win?

2017 will be an important year. Major changes are planned in…

How do I calculate OTIF [delivery reliability]

  It seems easy to calculate the OTIF. However, due to…

Flexible warehouses

Warehouses are increasingly confronted with an increase in Skus…

The fourth industrial revolution.

Technological developments are increasingly converging with people…