OBeTO Surveys – Online Benchmarks Tool
On this page you will find different surveys which can be used to determine how your organization is performing. You will be referred to a separate database by following the links.
The questionnaires are more in depth than you usually find on the Internet. No Quick & Dirty approach which actually tell you nothing to none. The questionnaires really reach into the core of your organization. That does require some time investment on your part to answer the questions.
However, you will receive a free evaluation report which gives you real insight into the performance of your organization. Your data will be compared by means of benchmarks of performance indicators obtained from organization such as The Supply Chain Council, WERC and Hoover.
All of your company data will be treated confidentially. The input data will be processed anonymously. This helps to further increase the quality of the database.
Temporarily, the benchmarks are only available in dutch. I am working hard to translate them all to English.
How does it work?
Fill out
Fill out one or more questionnaires. The database collects the data and within 3 working days, you will receive a free personal evaluation.
Without any obligation I explain the results of your organization in person, based on the surveys completed by you.
You will receive a tailor made project proposal that addresses the challenges as determined by the surveys.